Vice President of Academic Affairs

Officer Seamus Howard
Phone 831.713.7707
Office Hours T, Th 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in SUA Office, or by appt. 
Major  History
College Cowell 

Hello! My name is Seamus Howard, and I am the Vice President of Academic Affairs for the SUA for the 2015-2016 academic year. This past year, I served as an intern in the Office of Academic Affairs, and was a representative for Cowell on both the SUA and the Student Fee Advisory Committee. This year, I am focusing on a few key issues, such as retention and waitlisting policy, among other things. My main energy so far has been directed toward the Student Academic Senate, a standing-committee of the SUA that I am attempting to revive after a few years of inactivity. I want to stress to all UCSC students that the SUA and the Office of Academic Affairs is a resource; I am here to help. Please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss Academic Senate, Student Academic Senate, academic policies, or SUA in general!